
Showing posts from September, 2010

Officially 19....

Orait... Officially announce that im 19! 27/09/2010, my birthday, second day of the second week of the 2 weeks of the exam weeks. Effects from reading textbooks too much result in unusual frequently use of the word "of". LOL First, thanks FongE, Daby, Weiteng, Youkang and Purple for the surprise~~~~!!! It's study week, and i really really wasnt expecting a celebration, not even a simple 1. Tuesday to Friday is a 4-day-straight marathon final exam and my birthday is on Monday. It's abit lah pathetic, every year since i was small it has been like this. Primary school's final exam, secondary school final exam, UPSR, PMR, SPM, Uni final exam weeks. FFFFUUUUUUU~~~~~~ Anyway, really appreciate you all took the precious study time out to buy the present. MUAKX!~~~~ It's shiny, it's nice, and ill wear it on 1 of the 4 days of the marathon.  Next, YouKang thx for your 10 revive books in DN, it can really make me have more thing to do in DN. haha... Th


明月几时有?把酒问青天。 不知天上宫阙,今夕是何年? 我欲乘风归去,又恐琼楼玉宇, 高处不胜寒!起舞弄清影,何似在人间?   转朱阁,低绮户,照无眠。 不应有恨,何事长向别时圆? 人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺,此事古难全。 但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。 《水调歌头》 苏东坡 大家,中秋节快乐! 今晚是八月十五,没月赏,没灯笼提,没天聊,只有考试要准备。 大概在我还没长大之前,中秋节是多么的开心。 记忆中的中秋节都在婆婆家,在芙蓉。 小时候,所有家庭成员都会回到婆婆家一起庆祝。好不热闹。 还记得有一年,有中秋火锅,有灯笼,有柚子,有笑声。 也就即将 19 岁了,那回忆也过了快十年了,记忆中的婆婆,在上一次回到芙蓉时,老了好多。还有多少个十年?没人知道。越久越好,而在这当儿,也只能让遗憾减到最少。 所以,加油了朋友们,加油了黄俊杰! 中秋节快乐!

Old words, new post

You can choose to not believe,  but making an assumption is DISRESPECTFUL. Its sunday, Wednesday will be my first day of final exam. Worse, Tuesday will be the first day for datacomm folks. Good luck! Had my Tom Yam soup at Gulf for my dinner with UK, PP, and FongE. The soup is nice, spicy enough for me. Lotsa to blog, but always forgot to take some photos, and blogging without photos is just plain boring. Too much of words just give you a feeling that you are reading something boring. Aren't it? I sense something weird, but im uncertain what happen....


First of all, like i said in my previous post, this post will be related to my OOP assignments and some acknowledgement and credits....Save the words, some screen shots: Acknowledgement First of all, all the graphical designs above you see is made by HeartRoxas. The banner, the fruits, the ice cream, the buttons and many more designs which i did not upload here, they are all so nice! So first person to thanks, the designer, Mr. HeartRoxas ( Lim You Kang ). Oh ya by the way, Mr. Lim is also our software debugger and also Beta Tester. After HeartRoxas, is my another groupmate, Ms. Purple Tan ( Mrs HeartRoxas ) , which do a vr splendid job on all the diagrams we need to include in our documentation. Well she done all the diagrams in just a day and a night with not very good body condition. Total 5 of them, and thanks for the good work, really really like it! Thank you thank you thank you~ Third person, Ms. Ching Wei Teng . Thinks for all the help while all 3 of our groups are


Its 40 mins before i meet up wit Purple, FongE and WeiSin to go sentral to test our luck on buying ticket back to our hometown. Is near Raya and we all didnt buy our tickets early. The title of this post is in chinese because the title was here since yesterday night. I started typing in chinese, but blogger keep hanging while i typing and so i gave up under my not-that-good condition. Yesterday i am having slight fever and also sore throat.  如果我在乎,我就会说很多狠毒的话;当我不在乎了,那你一个字也不会看到。 风波,又再一次来袭。像港剧一样,几乎一样的剧情,一样的结局。这两天,也因为这风波,而多了两三篇网志。对呀,选择,大家都有得选择的啊! 给风波的主角: 选择,其实并不是完全自主的,就像当日你厚颜的问大家分组的事时,我们的心中的选择绝不会是像结果这样的。可是,人生最屌就是这个可是,你也因为这可是,才勉强苟且存活了下来,可是我们不想当面的揭穿你,不想直接让你蛋疼,所以,不由自主的选择了沉默。        然而,结果呢?不需要我多说,我也不需要多说,没有下一次,至少我没有。我是个天秤,我不喜欢吵架,可是我翻脸起来,我不会认人,而且会头也不回的走开。这是我的网志,所以这是我。其他人?我不敢代替他们说什么,但我可担保的是,大家的想法,不会差太远的。你就,自己看着办呗。 始终有些隐忧,一直困扰着我,下个sem,可以慢点到来吗? Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars